+91 80 4095 0100
+91 80 4096 0100
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Monday to Friday
10.00 Am to 6.00 Pm

Active Freight Logistics Private Limited
Call Now
10.00 Am to 6.00 Pm
Agreements signed with airlines and with our partners spread throughout the main airports on five continents, enabling us to offer the best price/time of transit. ACTIVE FREIGHT LOGISTICS worldwide organizes the control to assist business development – based on a long time of encounter and affected by the changing needs of our clients, We isolate our Discuss Cargo item into benefit levels, which are bundles advertising various conveyance times, directing, taking care of strategies and costs, making it simple to coordinate any need.
Experience tells us that the genuine distinction in discussing cargo is made on the ground. And we continually overhaul and refine our work to convey the foremost proficient and cost-effective discussion cargo service.