Active Freight Logistics Private Limited

Monday to Friday

10.00 Am to 6.00 Pm

en English

International Pet Relocation

Active Freight Logistics – Pet Relocations Department in association with Tails Wagon Successfully Handled this Very Cute “ Bunny “, Beagle Pet to Dubai on 29th Apr 2022.

We had arranged for Rabies Antibody, Travel Kennel and Export Documentation for Bunny travel From Bangalore to Dubai.

CONTACT: V. Chandru
MOB: + 91 9606040960


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#pettransportationfromindia #petdogexportfromBangalore
#petexportdocumentation #rabiesantibodytitretest
#petdogexporttoestoUSA #golden-retriever #excessbaggage #IPATAmembers
#IATACargoagents #Indiancustomsbroker #personalisedandprofessionalservice
##InternationalPetRelocation #petspecialists
#supplychainmanagement #logistics
#customsbroker #customsclearance

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